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currently // nov 20

Reading //

Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert. So. Good. Y’all. I wrote a lot of stuff down, but most of the point of the book is that I shouldn’t focus on the notes I took - I should get to work, dang it. Here’s just a tiny taste that hardly represents the magical work as a whole:

Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred.

What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all.

We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits.

We are terrified, and we are brave.

Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege.

So please calm down now and get back to work, okay?

Divine Conspiracy, by Dallas Willard. An excellent exposition on the Sermon on the Mount, which Dallas calls “the Discourse on a Hill,” and discusses from the perspective that it is less of a “sermon” in the way we get sermons today and more of a “talk” from the world-expert on life and morality. Which it is. Very interesting and intellectual, but at the same time down-to-earth and applicable to everyday faith.

A Gift From the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I’m on about page two but I know this book will be a breath of relaxing, fresh air.

Books on deck:

Atomic Habits, by James Clear. This has been a long time coming, I finally put it on hold at the library.

Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert. But I really want to read her novels! Did you know that she is a novelist who just happened to have a crazy-selling memoir? She’s written a couple novels recently that I would really like to try.

Doing //

Roasted a chicken today as practice for baby’s first turkey next week. I adapted the Lazy Genius's Thanksgiving turkey recipe for a chicken, and it was Insta-glorious, and sliiiiightly undercooked. So it goes.

Trying to take 10,000 steps a day, and also get back into some sort of daily yoga practice. I am trying to help my back heal, I think I pulled something about a month ago and it has been slow going to get it back to 100 percent.

Eating //

Fro-yo for breakfast: frozen mixed berries, whole milk Greek yogurt, a few dark chocolate chips → tiny food processor. Deeelish. Also, Vitamin C and probiotics and antioxidants. Win win win.

Lots of salad. I have noticed that my body is off now if I don’t have salad as at least one meal a day. It’s cool. And lots of roast chicken. Besides my bomb whole chicken today, I’ve figured out its almost stupid easy to quarter a whole chicken and roast it with veggies. Ta-da: dinner. And leftover chicken for tomorrow’s salad.

Enjoying //

A quality massage. I got a massage on Monday to hopefully help out my back, but I’ve decided to invest and make it at least a monthly habit. I think it helped my back and is generally a great stress reducer.

Reading Elise Joy’s old blog posts. Especially loving the way she articulates thoughts on running and eating healthy. Super real, super motivating. I started a chart where I mark if I get my steps in or do yoga or a run. Something similar worked to help get me out of bed on time, of all things, so I’m interested to see how it goes for fitness.

What's on your list?


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